Thursday 27 July 2017

: Vatamkolli

Botanical name: Justicia gendarussa Burm.f
Sanskrit: Vataghni
English: Black Vasa, Black malabar nut
Hindi: Nilinirgundi, Udisambhalu
Malayalam: Vatamkolli, Vatham kolli

The whole plant of Vatamkolli is used headache cough,                   bronchitis, migrain, fever and fractured bone. 

Vatamkolli is an erect, branched, smooth under shrub 0.8-1.5 m tall. The leaves are lance-shaped, 7-14 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, and pointed at the ends. The rather small flowers are borne in 4-12 cm long spikes, at the end of branches or in leaf axils. The teeth of the sepals cup are smooth, linear, and about 3 mm long. The flowers are about 1.5 cm long, white or pink, with purple spots. The capsule is club-shaped, about 12 mm long, and smooth.

 Vatamkolli is an erect, branched, smooth under shrub 0.8-1.5 m tall. The leaves are lance-shaped, 7-14 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, and pointed at the ends. The rather small flowers are borne in 4-12 cm long spikes, at the end of branches or in leaf axils. The teeth of the sepals cup are smooth, linear, and about 3 mm long. The flowers are about 1.5 cm long, white or pink, with purple spots. The capsule is club-shaped, about 12 mm long, and smooth.
The whole plant of Vatamkolli is used headache cough, bronchitis, migrain, fever and fractured bone.

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