Wednesday 26 July 2017

Neela amari (Indigofera tinctora)


·         Neela amari (Indigofera tinctora) or neelamari is a perennial woody shrub that reaches the height of up 35 inches.
·         It is used in the cure for nervous disorders, epilepsy, and used as an ointment for piles. Decoctions prepared from the root of the plant are used for urinary problems.
·         Indigofera tinctora belongs to the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae).
  Species of Indigofera are mostly shrubs, though some are small trees or annual or perennial herbs. Most have pinnate leaves. Racemes of flowers grow in the leaf axils. Most species have flowers in hues of red, but there are a few white- and yellow-flowered species. The fruit is a legume pod of varying size and shape.
·         Indigofera is a varied genus that has shown unique characteristics that make it an interesting candidate as a potential perennial crop. Specifically, there is diverse variation among species with a number of unique characteristics. Some examples of this diversity include differences in pericarp thickness, fruit type, and flowering morphology. The unique characteristics it has displayed include potential for mixed smallholder systems with a least one other species and a resilience that allows for constant nitrogen update despite varying conditions.
·         Indigofera is a diverse genus that also shows some unique characteristics in its flowering morphology. For example, one unique characteristic of Indigofera is that it demonstrates an open carpel not seen among many species. In addition, it appears that the organ primordial is often formed at deeper layers than other eudicots  This variety in flowering morphology including unique characteristics such as an open carpel could have significant implications on its role in an actual perennial polyculture. For example, different flowering morphologies could be artificially selected for in varying directions in order to better fit in different environmental conditions and with different populations of other plants.
·         The types of fruit produced by different species of Indigofera can also be divided into broad categories that again show great variation. The three basic types of fruit categories can be separated by their curvature including straight, slightly curved, and falcate. In addition, several of the species including Indigofera microcarpaIndigofera suffruticosa, and Indigofera enneaphylla have shown delayed dehiscent fruits  This variety of fruit could again allow for artificial selection that would allow the most abundant and nutritious fruit types and shapes to be selected for.
·         Another way to categorize Indigofera is by its pericarp thickness. The pericarp can be categorized as type I, type II, and type III with type I having the thinnest pericarp and fewest layers of schlerenchymatous layers and type III having the thickest pericarp and most layers of schlerenchymatous layers. Despite, the previous examples of delayed dehiscent fruits most fruits of this genus show normal explosive dehiscence to disperse seeds    Similar to fruit shape, a variety of fruit sizes allows for traits to be selected for that would allow for the thickest and most bountiful fruits especially when paired with fruit shape.

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