Thursday 27 July 2017


Stevia (Steviarebaudiana) is a small herb that was discovered in 1887 in the highlands of Paraguay. For years, cultivated and used by local Indian tribes as a sweetener and treatment plant. It is an innovative and alternative crop - food full of sugar substitute because it is sweeter and with no calories.

It is a natural source of valuable chemicals such as chlorophyll (natural pigment) isostevioli, plant sterols, gibberellin, GA (fytoormoni) kaisteviosidi (natural sweetener) which is grown mainly Stevia today.

It is between 150 and 300 times sweeter than sugar, so sweet with artificial sweeteners, but with almost zero calorie content. The biggest users of stevioside is food, drinks, confectionery and pharmaceutical industries, since the substance sugar substitute for diabetics.

Stevia has additional properties such as antihypertensive, antibacterial, antioxidant and is preventive caries control blood sugar, cordial, healing, caring skin

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